Seafarers making their own purchases via app by MOSCORD
There are many intermediaries in the world of maritime procurement and it all adds cost and inefficiency. Corporate procurement departments, purchasing networks, ship agents, supplier networks, all have a role. What if seafarers could arrange what they wanted directly with suppliers?
Until now, restrictions with ship-shore communications and computer availability onboard vessels has meant it made sense to have procurement managed centrally, but now we have much better communications and every seafarer has their own mobile phone.
Apollo system already has a catalogue of 200,000 products, which supplies can say they can deliver, and which crew can select. This includes consumables, provisions, spares, safety equipment, electronics, tools and PPEs.
It is possible to set up subscriptions or predictive ordering for commonly purchased goods, which can be delivered to the ship at its next port call, although by different suppliers. This potentially reduces the need for keeping stores onboard.
Apollo estimates that products are on average 20 per cent cheaper than through traditional ship supply channels.
In this webinar, we will hear from two key people from Moscord – Freddy Ingemann, Founder and CEO, and Tom Olesen, Executive Director – who will introduce Apollo and answer questions live.
Date: July 1st 2021
Time: 10:00 AM London
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Webinar: Seafarers making their own purchases
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