On Tuesday, the Indian government introduced a tender for the long-pending Rs 50,000 crore project that aimed at constructing six next-generation conventional stealth submarines with foreign collaboration.
The name of the assignment is Project-75 India. This would be part of the plan to counter China’s evolving naval presence in and around the Indian Ocean Region.
The tender for the construction has been furnished today to Larsen and Toubro and Mazagon Dockyards Limited. These two companies identified as partners would select a partner each from five international original equipment manufacturers (OEM), including firms from Germany, South Korea, Spain, Russia, and France.
Per Project 75-India, the Indian Navy will build six diesel-electric submarines. These devices would be larger than the Scorpene-class submarines that are being constructed at the Mazagon Dockyards Limited, Mumbai.
These submarines are expected to be deployed with firepower so that boats have 12 Anti-Ship Cruise Missiles or ASCM and Land Attack Cruise Missiles or LACM.
This project has been undertaken to promote the country like a manufacturing center for defense equipment besides establishing an industrial as well as an R&D ecosystem capable of satisfying future requirements of the Armed Forces other than giving a significant boost to exports.
Reference: timesofindia.indiatimes.com
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