The Coast Guard has announces the appointment of 18 individuals to serve as members of the National Towing Safety Advisory Committee (N-TSAC).
The National Towing Safety Advisory Committee was established on December 4, 2018, by § 601 of the Frank LoBiondo Coast Guard Authorization Act of 2018, Pub. L. No. 115-282, 132 Stat. 4192 and is codified in 46 U.S.C. § 15108. The Committee advises the Secretary of Homeland Security on matters relating to shallow-draft inland navigation, coastal waterway navigation, and towing safety. This advice also assists the Coast Guard in formulating Regulations and Policies as well as the position of the United States regarding the towing industry in advance of International Maritime Organization meetings.
The Committee is made up of members representing specific segments of the maritime industry:
- Seven members representing the barge and towing industry (reflecting a regional geographical balance).
- One member representing the offshore mineral and oil supply vessel industry.
- One member representing masters or pilots of towing vessels who hold active licenses and have experience on the Western Rivers and the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway.
- One member representing the masters of towing vessels in offshore service who hold active licenses.
- One member representing masters active ship docking or harbor towing vessels.
- One member representing licensed or unlicensed towing vessel engineers with formal training and experience.
- Two members representing port districts, authorities, or terminal operators.
- Two members representing shippers and of the two, one shall be engaged in the shipment of oil or hazardous materials by barge.
- Two members drawn from the general public.
Each member holds office for a term up to three years.
N-TSAC Members Appointed 2021 | |
Member: | Representing: |
Mr. John W. Hazel | Barge and Towing Industry |
Mr. Steven J. Huttman | Barge and Towing Industry |
Mr. Andrew J. Gauthier | Barge and Towing Industry |
Mr. Matthew Lagarde | Barge and Towing Industry |
Ms. Lindsay M. Price | Barge and Towing Industry |
Mr. Mark C. Sawyer | Barge and Towing Industry |
Mr. Jonathan A. Van Dusen | Barge and Towing Industry |
Mr. Marc T. Dial | Offshore Mineral and Oil Supply Vessel Industry |
Mr. Raymond G. Richmond | Masters and Pilots of Towing Vessels |
Mr. Douglas W. Covil | Masters of Towing Vessels in Offshore Service |
Mr. Jonathan A. Steinberg | Masters of Active Ship Docking or Harbor Towing Vessel |
Ms. Laura K. Wilcox | Towing Vessel Engineers |
Mr. Eric J. Johansson | Port Districts, Authorities, or Terminal Operators |
Ms. Joy B. Terral | Port Districts, Authorities, or Terminal Operators |
Ms. Angela A. Fay | Shippers |
Mr. Brian R. Khey | Shippers |
Mr. Robert Keister | General Public |
Mr. John J. Arenstam | General Public |
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