The U.S. Coast Guard and The American Boat and Yacht Council (ABYC) are launching a new series of one-day events dedicated to mitigating the risk in designing and building recreational boats.
The first event USCG Risk Mitigation: Series 1—Regulations and Electrification will be held virtually on Tuesday, November 9, 2021, and will focus on the transition to electric systems in recreational boats, including propulsion and battery power bank alternatives to generators.
“The Coast Guard is excited to host this forum and take advantage of the opportunity to learn from industry stakeholders about safety and regulatory compliance issues related to the transition to electric power for recreational boats,” said Jeff Ludwig, chief of the Recreational Boating Product Assurance Branch of the Coast Guard’s Office of Auxiliary & Boating Safety.
The USCG Risk Mitigation Series is designed to be a regular event with interactive and in-depth discussions related to one general topic on a reoccurring basis.
“This collaboration with the Coast Guard allows us to discuss trends and safety issues in an open and inclusive forum,” stated John Adey, President of ABYC. “When the Coast Guard approached us about this, we did not hesitate.”
For more information about USCG Risk Mitigation: Series 1—Regulations and Electrification, visit www.abycinc.org/riskmitigation .
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