Step by Step guidance on how users can generate their own BIMCO Shipping KPI Benchmarking by using the Chart Context Menu function.
Benchmarking results – extractions of images for generation of user reports
Under the newly implemented ranking concept users can only generate “Ranking Overview Reports” and “KPI Overview Reports” found under the tab “My Ships”.
To obtain your benchmarking results the following steps are needed.
Go to the Benchmarking tab:
• Select Benchmarking Period from the left-hand top frame dropdown menu and specify the “From” and “To” quarters.
• Select the Benchmarking Criteria – expand the options by clicking on the arrows (►) then drag and drop the selected ship(s) or Business Units to the top left-hand field “My Ships”. Repeat these steps the wanted ships’ attributes.
• Make sure to drag and drop relevant ship attributes criteria to the top right-hand field Industry then select the box “Exclude My Ships” if these are not to be included in the benchmarking result.
• Each of the top field indicates the number of ships covered by the selection.
• Please note there are no limits on the criteria used. Simply drag and drop as many as you need. Increasing the criteria however, will in most cases reduce the number of ships covered.
• After the selection of Benchmarking Criteria, select the top right-hand button “Generate” to get the benchmarking result.
You can select any of the tabs (Environmental, Health and Safety, HR Management, Navigational Safety, Operational, Security, Technical and Port State Control) above the result screen to get the result details for each of the KPI Groups.
On each of the result screens you can download an image in either PNG, JPEG format, or as a pdf document, by clicking on the Chart Context Menu button (three vertical lines).
By clicking on one of the bars on the result screen you can scroll down the results and obtain the following charts of you result, Distribution, Trend or Histogram.
The downloaded images or pdf documents can then be used to create your own BIMCO Shipping KPI reports.
Souce: BIMCO