
Falvey Insurance Group and its subsidiary companies have chosen to directly align its 2021 philanthropy efforts to causes directly related to the company by announcing its formal support of international seafarer welfare charity, The Mission to Seafarers.
Announcing its support on June 25th, the “Day of the Seafarer”, Falvey is formally recognizing the overlooked keyworkers responsible for vessel operations, and for the safe and smooth delivery of valuable cargo that keeps global trade afloat.
According to the International Maritime Organization (IMO), “The day not only acknowledges the invaluable work of seafarers but also aims to bring global attention to the issues affecting their work and lives, such as piracy. It calls on governments to develop policies that lead to fair treatment of seafarers at ports and asks private ship companies and owners to provide their employees proper facilities and comforts while they are at sea.”

Representation Image – Credits: missiontoseafarers.org
Support of The Mission to Seafarers is not new to Falvey, as the company’s Senior Vice President based in Canada, Isabelle Therrien, has laid some valuable groundwork in the Toronto/Hamilton port region.
Speaking on the announcement, Isabelle Therrien, Senior Vice President Canada of Falvey Insurance Group said: “It has been a privilege to be part of an organization that supports me volunteering some of my time to The Mission to Seafarers of Southern Ontario. As a cargo insurance underwriter, I cannot think of a better way to support the real risk-takers of the global supply chain.
“Whether through fundraising, packing gift bags for the holidays or delivering seasonal gift bags to vessels, it has been rewarding to be part of the great work done by The Mission to Seafarers.”
In recognition of the new partnership, Revd Canon Andrew Wright, Secretary-General of The Mission to Seafarers said: “The Mission to Seafarers is delighted to be making this joint announcement of our partnership with Falvey Insurance Group, who are headquartered on Rhode Island.
“The company has supported our work in Toronto for some time and now wishes to extend its support across our North American operations. We look forward to working with them and helping as many seafarers as possible, whilst engaging Falvey Insurance Group staff in support of our work.”
Falvey’s President and CEO, Mike Falvey added: “Never has there been a year in recent history where the work of the seafarer has been more centre stage. When the world came to a complete stop during the pandemic, seafarers were sailing across the world to ensure the delivery of products including critical supplies.
“Falvey Cargo is proud to support The Mission to Seafarers to express our thanks and acknowledge the men and women who ensure the safe movement of products throughout the globe. We very much look forward to the expanded partnership with The Mission to Seafarers and making an impact on the seafarer community.”
Press Release
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