As a courtesy to our audience, Maritime Commons will provide a daily compilation of nationally-relevant Federal Register Notices, or those notices that may impact a large segment of our readers. To provide comments for the public record, follow the Federal Register link for each individual notice. Please note, the Coast Guard cannot respond to comments on these notices outside of the Federal Register.
The Coast Guard announced in the Federal Register a request for input from the public on specific Coast Guard programs, regulations, policies, and procedures that the Coast Guard should consider changing to combat and respond to climate change.
This information will help the Coast Guard effectively achieve its missions in a manner that advances the Administration’s urgent priorities of climate change mitigation, adaptation, and resilience. The Coast Guard is seeking this input to ensure that the service is implementing programs, policies, and activities that address (1) the cumulative effects of environmental damage, above all from climate change and (2) the disproportionately high, adverse climate-related impacts on disadvantaged communities, while also promoting a safe, secure, and resilient marine transportation system that facilitates commerce and secures national security interests.
Comments must be submitted to the online docket via https://www.regulations.gov on or before October 6, 2021.
You may submit comments identified by docket number USCG-2021-0233 using the Federal eRulemaking Portal at https://www.regulations.gov. See the “Public Participation and Request for Comments” portion of the SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION section of the notice for further instructions on submitting comments.
For information about this notice call or email Mr. Tim Brown, Coast Guard; telephone 202-372-2358, email Timothy.M.Brown@uscg.mil.
This blog is not a replacement or substitute for the formal posting of regulations and updates or existing processes for receiving formal feedback of the same. Links provided on this blog will direct the reader to official publications, such as the Federal Register, Homeport and the Code of Federal Regulations. These publications remain the official source for regulatory information published by the Coast Guard.
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