As a courtesy to our audience, Maritime Commons will provide a daily compilation of nationally-relevant Federal Register Notices, or those notices that may impact a large segment of our readers. To provide comments for the public record, follow the Federal Register link for each individual notice. Please note, the Coast Guard cannot respond to comments on these notices outside of the Federal Register.
On September 10, 2021 a final rule goes into effect which enables regulated facilities to electronically submit Operations Manuals and Emergency Manuals and electronically communicate with the Coast Guard.
This rule also allows facility operators to submit one electronic or printed copy of the manuals and one electronic or printed copy of the amendments to the manuals. Finally, this rule requires the regulated facilities to maintain either an electronic or a printed copy of each required manual in the marine transfer area of the facility during transfer operations.
For more information about the final rule, view the Federal Register notice or search docket number USCG-2020-0315 on https://www.regulations.gov.
For information about this document, call or email Lieutenant Commander Benjamin Mazyck, Coast Guard Division of Cargo and Facilities; telephone 202-372-1130, email benjamin.d.mazyck@uscg.mil.
This blog is not a replacement or substitute for the formal posting of regulations and updates or existing processes for receiving formal feedback of the same. Links provided on this blog will direct the reader to official source documents, such as the Federal Register, Homeport and the Code of Federal Regulations. These documents remain the official source for regulatory information published by the Coast Guard.
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