Recent Government review of GL Terminal results in full compliance with requirements and raising of standards in the local market
Jakarta, Indonesia, September 9, 2021: GL Terminal was visited in late August for a full evaluation of its operations by a delegation from various Indonesian Government departments. The aim of the visit was the continuation of a series of reviews that are carried out into inland container depots (ICDs) in Indonesia to assess and evaluate operations, and this was the first time that GL Terminal had been assessed.
The visit was led by Department of Transportation DKI Jakarta and was joined by the Directorate of Traffic and Sea Transportation of the Ministry of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia, Jabodetabek Transportation Management Agency, Main Port Authority of Tanjung Priok and Indonesia Depot Container Association. From GL Terminal’s side, Nanang Faruq was on hand to provide an overview of the site and answer all questions with the assistance of his team.
After a comprehensive site and operational review it was assessed and certified that GL Terminal has complied with the company’s administrative and technical requirements as required by the Indonesian Government. In addition, the assessment team also said that GL Terminal provided an excellent example and set a new standard for container depots in Indonesia.
Despite being a relative newcomer to the Indonesia market, GL Terminal was able to meet all the strict requirements of the review and is delighted to be contributing to the continued growth and professionalism of the ICD market in Indonesia. Commenting on the assessment, Nanang Faruq, GL Terminal Managing Director said, “We are delighted to receive this recognition from the relevant authorities as it supports the high standards that we have set ourselves in terms of compliance, quality, and professional standards. These were the aims of GL Terminal when we started last year.”
Since being setup last year, GL Terminal’s focus has been firmly on legal and regulatory compliance, coupled with management quality and assurance, all driven by an experienced management and team and valid international certification. In terms of customer requirements, this has meant that the service provided has exceeded expectations in many cases and continued customer satisfaction will be a driving point for GL Terminal’s activities.
Source: GL Terminal