
In the latest press release, HMM announced that an unidentified security breach was detected in its systems, which led to limited access to the e-mail outlook system in certain areas.
The updates are as below:
13 and 14 June 2021
Most of the confirmed damages have been restored; no information or data leakage found
15 June 2021
The e-mail server in all areas except for America and Europe remains impacted. In case of customers’ inquiries not processed via e-mail, our local agency can be contacted with other alternative options such as phone calls
Except for e-mail, the other system networks and functions are fully operational as usual, attributed to the independent cloud-based system
In this context, our e-business platforms, including booking and documentation functionality, are properly running without disruptions
The E-mail system is gradually resuming, and our IT planning team, consisting of IT experts, is continuing the investigation to prevent further security accidents. HMM will conduct enhanced security checks and take protective measures.
About HMM
HMM is South Korea’s national flagship carrier headquartered in Seoul, with more than 40 years of experience within the shipping industry. As one of the world’s leading container shipping companies, HMM operates world-class transportation services with a global fleet of over 100 state-of-the-art vessels. HMM strategically collaborates with customers to develop customised supply chain solutions for dry, refrigerated, and other specialised cargo.
Press release
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