Shipping assets worth Rs 12,828 crore will be monetised over the next four years under the Rs 6 lakh crore National Monetisation Pipeline (NMP) announced by Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman on Monday.
The monetisation does not involve selling of land and is about monetising brownfield assets.
The shipping assets monetisation pipeline projects will be implemented by Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways and potential models would be public private partnership (PPP).
Sitharaman announced a Rs 6 lakh crore National Monetisation Pipeline that will look to unlock value in infrastructure assets.
Union Budget 2021-22 had identified monetisation of operating public infrastructure assets as a key means for sustainable infrastructure financing.
Towards this, the Budget provided for preparation of a ‘National Monetisation Pipeline’ of potential brownfield infrastructure assets. NITI Aayog in consultation with infra line ministries has prepared the report on NMP.
Source: PTI