In 2020, the 40th anniversary of our Association coincided with the International Maritime Organization’s (IMO’s) Global Fuel Oil Sulphur Cap and the unprecedented challenges faced by the shipping industry under COVID-19, which has dominated our lives and those of our seafarers. Now – in 2021 – top of the agenda remains the continued lack of universal recognition of seafarers as key workers. INTERCARGO continues to actively participate in IMO’s deliberations, being fully committed to its strategy and ambition in reducing ships’ GHG emissions. Our Association is also a co-sponsor of the industry proposal for a five billion dollar R&D programme to kick start the vital research and development needed to help shipping meet the UN decarbonisation goals.
INTERCARGO is active in commenting on IMO’s short, medium and long term greenhouse gas reduction goals. On the protection of the environment, INTERCARGO has also been closely looking into the quality issues with Low Sulphur fuel oils as well as the real-world performance of Ballast Water Treatment Systems. Regarding bulk carrier safety we continue our strong focus on cargoes as well as persuading IMO to push flag states
for timely submissions of Casualty Reports. We are proud that our sector, dry bulk shipping, is committed to the safe transportation of the world’s essential needs – sustainably.
So far in 2021 we have been blessed by a stronger dry cargo market for all sizes. Long may it continue! INTERCARGO will continue to stand at the forefront of the challenges faced by the bulk carrier sector and represent the views of quality owners and operators.