Since it launched in 2010, the International Group’s P&I Qualification (P&IQ) programme has grown to become one of the shipping industry’s foremost professional courses. In 2020, with its international reach and network, the IG P&IQ found itself perfectly positioned to deliver its courses and exams online. This led to the greatest participation levels to date, with 657 candidates sitting P&IQ examinations in the year.
The qualification provides invaluable knowledge for those working in the maritime sphere, including the structure of the shipping industry, the history and operation of P&I Clubs and the operation of other insurances as well as guides to the different types of liabilities and problems encountered by shipowners and charterers. Whatever stage the candidate has reached on their career path, the P&IQ offers a three-tier programme which can provide them with learning appropriate to their needs. The course is broken down into eight Modules, the first seven of which are knowledge-focused and have accompanying textbooks titled:
• A general introduction to the shipping business
• P&I Insurance: History, Operation and Practice
• Underwriting, Loss Prevention and Claims Handling
• People Risks
• Cargo Risks
• Collision, FFO & Pollution
• Towage, Salvage, General Average and Wreck Removal
The programme is designed as a self-paced, distance learning course. All exams are held online and remotely invigilated. So, there is no need to take into account time spent travelling to and from an exam or training centre, saving on travel costs and limiting the environmental impact of course delivery.
The candidate no longer needs to work for an International Group Club in order to take the qualification. The Clubs have recognised the benefit that greater knowledge and skills across the industry can deliver to their Members, so once the course became established it was made open to all.
Providing high quality, targeted education, the International Group’s P&I Qualification (P&IQ) has over the years become acknowledged in its own right within the P&I industry and in the wider insurance market as a unique and challenging standalone professional qualification. In order to highlight the benefits of taking part and provide more insightful information on how the course operates, the IG has launched a series of videos and testimonials. We hope these will encourage new candidates to feel engaged with the programme and progress through the different modules.
Source: International Group of P&I Clubs