K Line Ship Management Singapore has selected iO3 to be its maritime digital partner. iO3 will provide vessel IT maintenance for K Line’s fleet of 21 vessels and, in addition, will deliver a suite of maritime digital solutions.
Under the agreement and following successful proof-of-concept trials, K Line will deploy IO3’s JARVISS (Just A Really Very Intelligent System). JARVISS provides an open and participative infrastructure for applications to operate efficiently, allowing in-house applications (V. Suite of Services) and third-party software to be easily integrated.
Included in JARVISS is V. Sion, a pair of smart glasses with first-view real-time AR remote video conferencing. Also included is V. Sight, a camera surveillance system for visibility and video analytics of areas onboard.
“Our company takes great pride in providing the highest level of ship management service to all customers, in the field of global maritime transportation with over 800 seafarers and about 40 shore staff” said Capt. Masanori Okada, managing director at L Line Ship Management Singapore.
“We are constantly seeking development and improving not only our ship’s quality but as part of our vision, we are deploying maritime digital solutions to optimise safety and efficiency.”
Kenny Koh, CEO, iO3 commented: “We are very proud and happy to be supporting K Line Ship Management’s voyage to maritime digitalisation. In our era of digital transformation, quality and reliability is essential as a backbone to our deliverables.
“Technology adoption is not about bringing the latest and trendiest buzz words; our focus has always been providing pragmatic and reliable solutions to our customers that yield the best results with minimum resource intervention. KLSM recognises that.”
JARVISS, overarching maritime digital platform with its AES256 encrypted transport protocol, hosts a variety of native applications for adoption.
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