
DCE iron ore futures continued to fluctuate in a day, main contract closed707. The spot quotation in the morning quoted varied. Some steel procurement more cautious, the continuation of a small number of multi-frequency procurement strategy;but some traders quotation is still stronger, The overall deal atmosphere was general today。PBF at Shandong port dealt 865 yuan/mt, increased 15-25 yuan/mt over yesterday; PBF at Tangshan port dealt 870-890 yuan/ton, prices are mixed today over yesterday.According to data tracked by SMM, 82 ships arrived at domestic main ports from October 11-17. Arrivals of cargoes are estimated to stand at 12.13 million mt, down 1.73 million mt from the previous week and 3.02 million mt year on year.Shipments that departed Australian ports were estimated to increase 0.79 million mt week on week to 19.0 million mt, up 1.44 million mt on the year;· and that from Brazilian ports decreased 0.6 million mt to 3.7 million mt on a weekly basis, down 3.79 million mt on the year.The arrivals of iron ore at ports decreased from the prior week, while those from Australia and Brazil increased slightly as a whole. The near-term output of molten iron is likely to drop amid the power rationing, pressing iron ore prices.
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Source: Metals Market Index (MMi)
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