
Mitsui O.S.K. Lines, Ltd. announced that it reached an agreement with Shin Kurushima Dockyard Co., Ltd. (President: Tetsushi Soga; Headquarters: Imabari-shi, Ehime Prefecture) and Nihon Shipyard Co., Ltd. (President: Yoshinori Maeta; Headquarters: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo) to build four 7,000-unit capacity car carriers using environment-friendly liquefied natural gas (LNG) as their main fuel. Compared to conventional marine fuel oil, LNG is expected to reduce emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) which is a greenhouse gas (GHG), by about 25-30%, sulfur oxide (SOx) by 100%, and nitrogen oxide (NOx) by about 85%. The vessels are slated for delivery in succession starting in 2024.
In June 2021, MOL established the “MOL Group Environmental Vision 2.1” as a guide to achieving net zero GHG emissions by 2050.
It plans to launch about 90 LNG-fueled vessels by 2030, under its strategy calling for “Adoption of Clean Alternative Fuels” (Fig.1) to achieve that target.
In addition to the LNG-fueled vessel projects (Note 1) that the MOL Group has been working on, we will promote the use of LNG-fuel for car carriers, starting with this decision.
MOL is accelerating its preparations for the launch of environment-friendly vessels using not only LNG fuel but also biofuels (Note 2), which are reaching the practical application stage, while continuing to research the use of ammonia and other next-generation fuels.
It will make further efforts with the aim of becoming the company of choice for various stakeholders, by delivering a new value—zero-emission transport of cars.
(Note 1)
Please refer to the following press releases related to LNG-fueled vessels.
• LNG-fueled coal carrier
• December 25, 2019: Kyuden signs Agreement with NYK and MOL for the World’s First LNG-fueled Large Coal Carrier – Reduction of GHG Emission by implementing LNG Fuel –
• September 28, 2020: MOL’s LNG-fueled Tugboat Ishin Earns ‘Ship of the Year 2019’ Award as Innovative Work Ship/Special Purpose Ship
• LNG-fueled ferry
• March 29, 2021: MOL, Kyushu Electric Power Sign Basic Agreement for LNG Fuel Supply for Japan’s First LNG-Fueled Ferries: Sunflower Kurenai and Sunflower Murasaki
• LNG-fueled bulker
• July 20, 2021: MOL Signs Deal for Long-term Transport Using Newbuilding LNG-fueled Bulker
(Note 2)
Please refer to June 30, 2021, press release:
MOL’s Wholly Owned Euro Marine Logistics Starts Sea Trials of Car Carrier Powered by Biofuel
Source: Mitsui O.S.K. Lines (MOL)
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