The 2021 edition packed with BIMCO’s decades of expertise is now available to purchase from Witherbys. Called Check Before Fixing 2021, it’s written by shipping practitioners for shipping practitioners.
Risk management in shipping is an increasing focus in the industry, and Check Before Fixing 2021 is a practical handbook for managing contractual risks. It builds upon the wealth of knowledge of BIMCO’s people, who are world leaders in developing standard shipping contracts and clauses. Their daily work is advising members both before and after they sign contracts.
With Check Before Fixing 2021, you get easy access to this experience which has been carefully presented, updated and explained by the best industry experts. Use it as a guide and reference in negotiations, as it’s packed with comprehensive information and tips that both help you avoid contractual pitfalls and understand the consequences of your commercial decisions.
Most charter party related queries that are answered by BIMCO’s Support & Advice Team are about problems arising after a contract has been signed. Check Before Fixing 2021 is an essential tool to use before you commit and sign a contract, and at the same time it’s also a great reference if disputes arise under existing contracts.
Source: BIMCO