Favorable weather conditions in southern Brazil are likely to boost soil moisture and aid first corn crop planting as rainfall is expected in the region over Sept. 14-20, according to the latest forecast by weather agencies.
The first corn crop in Brazil is planted during September-December and harvested in February-May, while the second crop is planted in February-March and harvested June-July.
Rainfall in the week started Sept. 12 is expected to be limited to southern Brazil, with the heaviest favoring Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina, Maxar said in its forecast Sept. 13.
“In the southern region, during Sept. 14-20, the highest total rainfall should be concentrated in the center-north of Rio Grande do Sul and south of Santa Catarina in the range of 80 mm to 150 mm. Center-north part of Santa Catarina may also see accumulated rainfall close to 70 mm,” according to Brazil’s National Institute of Meteorology, known as Inmet.
First corn crop area in 2021-22 reached 16% of the forecast area as of Sept. 9 in Center-South Brazil, while it was 20% a year ago, according to a survey by Brazil-based consultancy AgRural.
During Sept. 6-12, the states of Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul, Sao Paulo, and Parana received rains.
Although, more rainfall is needed, the precipitations recorded since the end of August are better than those observed in the same period last year, AgRural said.
Prices high for a year
Brazil corn prices have been high for almost a year now and a good 2021-22 first corn crop harvest could ease the supply and price pressure on the livestock and poultry feed manufacturers.
The first corn crop accounted for 25% of the overall Brazil corn production in 2019-20.
Timely rainfall is essential for the first corn crop as well as soybeans planting. Since the second corn crop will be planted after harvesting soybeans in Brazil, a delay in soybean planting could push corn sowing away from the ideal planting window.
In 2020-21, second corn production plummeted, as large areas of the crop were planted outside the usual time and crops grew in adverse weather conditions, facing drought and frost.
Although rains will boost soil moisture in southern Brazil, dry weather will maintain soil moisture deficits in central Brazil this week, Maxar said.
Source: Platts