ReCAAP ISC today issued an Incident Alert on incidents off Tanjung Pergam, Bintan Island, Indonesia.
A summary is appended. Please refer to the full Incident Alert on the ReCAAP ISC website.
On 17 Jul 21, two incidents of unauthorised boarding occurred to ships while underway off Tanjung Pergam, Bintan Island, Indonesia. The two incidents occurred within an interval of 30 mins and in close proximity to each other in the eastbound lane of the Traffic Separation Scheme (TSS) in the Singapore Strait.
In both incidents, the perpetrators were armed with knives. They were sighted in the engine room in one incident, and in the steering gear room in the other. In both incidents, the perpetrators escaped upon being sighted, the crew was safe and nothing was stolen.
The ReCAAP ISC is concerned with the persistent occurrence of incidents in the Singapore Strait, particularly a cluster of incidents off Tanjung Pergam, Bintan Island, Indonesia. Since January 2021, a total of 22 incidents occurred in the Singapore Strait, with 18 incidents occurred off Tanjung Pergam. Perpetrators were armed with knives in nine incidents, the crew was assaulted in two incidents and engine spares were stolen in six incidents.
The location of the 18 incidents off Tanjung Pergam are indicated with latitude and longitude in the map next page.
As the perpetrators are not arrested, there is a possibility of further incidents off Tanjung Pergam, Bintan Island.
All ships are advised to intensify vigilance and look-out in that area during night time, adopt preventive measures and report all incidents immediately to the nearest coastal State. Ship masters and crew are advised to get the latest information (at www.recaap.org) and tune-in to advisories and navigational broadcasts announced by the littoral States.
The ReCAAP ISC urges the littoral States to increase patrols in their respective waters, respond promptly to incidents and strengthen coordination among littoral States, in order to arrest the perpetrators.
Source: ReCAAP ISC