According to the new requirements from IACS, the International Association of Classification Societies, owners of ships and offshore units have to maintain a complete cable transit seal systems register. Mats Åhman, Head of Digital Solutions at Roxtec, says the software Roxtec Transit Operate is ideal also for addressing these demands.
Roxtec Transit Operate is a new tailor-made software for chief and safety officers and operational managers responsible for safety and lifecycle management of assets. They can keep track of all cable transits, from initial installations to recent upgrades, and share transit status with others. The software enables seamless and efficient collaboration between owners and contractors – as well as with inspectors from classification societies. The new IACS requirements focus on systemized control, documentation and inspection of watertight cable transits. They state that shipbuilders should establish a cable transit seal systems register and that owners and operators shall update the register and make sure it is complete, correct and available for surveyors.
“Owners and operators can use Roxtec Transit Operate to manage all transits online. They can secure long-term quality assurance of their assets while reducing paperwork,” says Mats Åhman.
Take control also of existing assets
The requirements apply to ships and offshore units contracted for construction on or after July 1, 2021. Mats Åhman recommends owners and operators to work digitally also for existing assets:
“It is a way of streamlining the workflow. It is crucial to secure installation quality during both the construction process and the operational phase in order to extend the lifetime of your asset.”
Source: Roxtec
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