
Samsung Heavy Industries has established a cooperative partnership with a domestic midsize shipbuilder in the latest eco-friendly and smart ship technology and is actively pursuing win-win management.
Samsung Heavy Industries announced on the 7th that it had signed an agreement on ‘research and technical cooperation in the shipbuilding and offshore field’ with Daesun Shipbuilding, a representative mid-sized shipbuilder in Korea.
Through this agreement, SHI plans to share information on eco-friendly linear and fuel-saving device design information, conduct ship fluid performance model tests, and share smart ship technology know-how so that Daesun Shipbuilding can gain technological competitiveness in the small and medium-sized ship market.

Representation Image – Credits: wikimedia.org
In particular, if Samsung Heavy Industries’ independently developed smart ship system ‘S VESSEL’ is expanded and supplied to the small and medium-sized ship market, it is expected to further strengthen the competitiveness of smart ship technology.
Recently, as environmental regulations in the shipbuilding and shipping industry have been strengthened, new ship development and eco-friendly/smart ship technologies that increase fuel efficiency are required in both large and medium-sized ship markets.
Accordingly, the importance of securing related technologies is growing for small and medium-sized shipbuilders as well, and this technical cooperation is drawing attention as a new win-win model for the ecosystem of the shipbuilding industry.
Samsung Heavy Industries Marine Research Center, said, “We expect Samsung Heavy Industries to develop the ‘S Vessel ‘this place as the representative smart ten technologies in the small and medium-sized vessel market, “he said.” South Korea’s shipbuilding industry is to help keep the technology gap, We plan to further promote technological exchanges between large shipyards, ” he added.
Reference: samsungshi.com
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