
A 37-year-old seaman, Beejoy Ressel Sequeira, died onboard MV Jabal Alkawar on 17 September. The Goa Seamen Association of India, popular as the GSAI, has demanded justice in this case.
GSAI alleged that the death was brought about by the negligence of the shipping company, the ship’s master, and the designated person ashore (DPA). Frank Viegas, the GSIA president, demanded that a fair inquiry into the case be initiated by the director-general of shipping.
While expressing the association’s solidarity with Sequeira’s family members, Viegas said that prompt actions by officials will send a positive message to the entire shipping fraternity and boost the morale of other seafarers.
Eldon Sequeira, the deceased seafarer’s brother, told the reporters that Beejoy had passed away on board after being ill from 5 September when the ship was in Malaysia. His condition worsened with time and no initiative was taken by either the shipmaster or the shipping company to divert the vessel to the nearest port or to evacuate him. He added that the company had also not informed them about the events that culminated in his death but just broke the news that he was dead.
Reference: timesofindia.indiatimes.com
Seafarer Left Untreated, Dies On Board Vessel At Malaysian Port appeared first on Marine Insight – The Maritime Industry Guide
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