SSY Futures Ltd arranged the first trade in SGX’s new BLNG2g Futures contract. The trade was for settlement basis July and August 2021 against indices published by The Baltic Exchange, which value the cost of transporting LNG from the US Gulf to Europe in a gas-powered bulk carrier.
“SSY Futures Ltd is well known in its core area of Forward Freight Agreements, iron ore, coking coal and steel derivatives, and it has also carved out a niche business in the energy and power markets. We are delighted by this early success in the new BLNG2g contract and look forward to promoting this innovative new Baltic settled, SGX cleared contract,” said James Whistler, Head of SSY Futures’ Energy team.
The trade will mitigate the risk on the transportation of LNG from the United States to Europe and is a cash settled contract. The contract is listed and cleared by SGX, The Singapore Exchange.
Mark Jackson, Baltic Exchange Chief Executive, said: “We’re delighted in this vote of confidence in the Baltic Exchange’s LNG freight assessments. Our data is based on assessments made by some of the leading physical shipbroking companies in this space with quality assured by our strict governance structure.”
Source: The Baltic Briefing