
The UK parliament’s Environmental Audit Committee (EAC) launched an inquiry yesterday looking at how the government can reach net zero emissions by 2050 for the country’s share of international aviation and shipping.
Two years ago in one of her final acts as prime minister, Theresa May made the UK the first major economy in the world to pass net zero emissions law.
Aviation and shipping currently account for 10% of UK greenhouse gas emissions. Last week the UK government published what it claims to be the world’s first ‘greenprint’ to decarbonise all modes of domestic transport by 2050.
With the 2050 goals in mind, the British parliament is now looking for ideas on how to deliver green aviation and shipping solutions.
“This inquiry will look at the ability of technologies, fuels and operational efficiencies to reduce both sectors’ emissions and what government action is needed at a national and international level to meet its stated targets,” the EAC said.
The EAC is seeking submissions by September on issues such as how close zero carbon fuels are to commercialisation for aviation and shipping and how the UK defines its ownership of international aviation and shipping emissions.
The UK is also looking at forming a shipping cap and trade scheme similar to the European Union’s emission trading scheme.
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