Russian Urals oil loading plan from the Baltic ports of Primorsk and Ust-Luga was revised up by 0.2 million tonnes to 5 million tonnes in September amid the suspension of supplies via the northern route of the Druzhba pipeline, traders said.
Rosneft oil company added two additional cargoes of 100,000 tonnes each to the plan, traders said. The producer added a cargo loading from Ust-Luga port on Sept. 20-21 and on Sept. 26-27, according to the traders.
The volumes were added to the loading plan as Rosneft had to redirect supplies to the sea ports after the suspension on the Druzhba pipeline for Sept. 11-14, traders said.
Poland has restricted oil intake from the northern line of the Druzhba pipeline from Sept. 11-14 due to full storage capacity.
Rosneft and pipeline operator Transneft did not immediately responde to a Reuters request for comment.
Source: Reuters (Reporting by Olga Yagova, Gleb Gorodyankin, editing by Louise Heavens and Ken Ferris)